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(w/o Uni) Chilled Truffle Somen Premium Couple Set for 2
Chilled Truffle Somen w/ Snow Crab & Raw Hokkaido Scallops
(本鮪丼) Hon Maguro Don
(中トロ丼) Chutoro Don
Truffle Tsuyu Salmon Zuke
Truffle Tsuyu Ebi Zuke
3 Kinds 'Hon Maguro 特選本鮪' Sashimi Platter (30 slices)
Hotate 帆立 - 10 slices
4 Piece Botan Ebi 牡丹海老 (w/Head On) Platter (SUPER SWEET)
Snow Crab Meat (260g)
Caviar House Caviar Oscietre Selection 30gm
特選浜名湖日本鰻 Lake Hamana Special Grade Unagi 200g
Chilled Truffle Somen Premium Couple Set for 2
(w/o Uni) Chilled Truffle Somen Premium Couple Set for 2
Chilled Truffle Somen w/ Snow Crab & Raw Hokkaido Scallops
Chilled Truffle Somen w/ Salmon Ikura & Raw Hokkaido Scallops
Chilled Truffle Somen w/ Raw Hokkaido Scallops
Chilled Truffle Somen
(本鮪丼) Hon Maguro Don
(傑丼) Suguru Don
(大トロ丼) Otoro Don
(中トロ丼) Chutoro Don
(赤身丼) Akami Don
(ネギトロ丼) Negitoro Don
(海老帆立蟹丼) Ebi Hotate Snow Crab Don
(海老帆立丼) Ebi Hotate Don
(鮭鮭卵丼) Salmon w/Ikura Don
(鮭飛子丼) Salmon w/Tobiko Don
(鮭丼) Salmon Don
(楚蟹鮭卵丼)Snow Crab w/Ikura Don
3 Kinds 'Hon Maguro 特選本鮪' Sashimi Platter (30 slices)
8 Kinds '特選' Sashimi Platter (32 slices)
3 Kinds 'Hon Maguro 特選本鮪' Sashimi Platter (12 slices)
3 Kinds '特選 Shiromi' Sashimi Platter (12 slices)
3 Kinds Sashimi Platter (Otoro 大トロ)
3 Kinds Sashimi Platter (Chutoro 中トロ)
3 Kinds Sashimi Platter (Akami 赤身)
3 Kinds Sashimi Platter (Mekajiki Belly 目梶木.腹)
3 Kinds Sashimi Platter (Madai 真鯛)
Salmon Sashimi (10 Slices)
3 Kinds Sashimi Platter (Sudachi Buri スダチ.鰤)
Zuwaigani Legs (楚蟹) 10 pcs