1,8 "TFT display on the ESP32 Dev Kit C
AED 85.00
Waveshare - 1,27 " Display RGB Oled Module
AED 105.00
HD44780 2004 LCD display 4x20 characters green
AED 30.00
HD44780 1602 LCD module display 2x16 characters (with green background) compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
AED 40.00
HD44780 2004 LCD Display Bundle 4x20 characters with I2C interface green
AED 55.00
1.8 inch Spi TFT Display 128 x 160 pixels Compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
AED 50.00
LCD1602 Display Keypad Shield HD44780 1602 module with 2x16 characters
AED 45.00
0.96 inch OLED SSD1306 display I2C 128 x 64 pixels compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
AED 75.00
TM1637 4 digit 7-segment display module compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
AED 40.00
1.3 inch OLED I2C 128 x 64 Pixel Display compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
AED 43.00
24 inch Smart Interactive Mobile Screen,1080 x 1920 IPS Swivel Screen,10000mAh Battery
AED 2,000.00