2:2 law statutes
Neatly bound second year second semester statutes
Pension shceme regulations Act
ZK 20.00
ZK 20.00
National Health Insurance
ZK 30.00
Sale of Goods Act
ZK 20.00
Marine Insurance
ZK 25.00
ZK 20.00
Partnership Act
ZK 25.00
Whole set
ZK 480.00
Industrial and labour relations Act
ZK 100.00
Hire Purchase Act
ZK 20.00
Factories Act
ZK 100.00
Insurance Act
ZK 60.00
Banjul Charter
ZK 30.00
Workers compensation Act
ZK 90.00
Bill of Rights
ZK 25.00
Employment Code Act
ZK 90.00
UN Charter
ZK 30.00