新春佳肴 Flavors of Spring
富贵鲍鱼七彩捞鱼生 (Prosperous Abalone Colorful Yee Sang)
RM 110.00
三元及第拼盘 (Golden Trio Platter)
RM 107.80
四喜如意拼盘 (Four Happiness Platter)
RM 146.30
五福齐聚拼盘 (Five Fortune Platter)
RM 184.80
锦绣江南龙虾(1只)(Jiangnan Style Lobster)
RM 249.90
泰香脆皮猪手 (Thai Crispy Pork Knuckle)
RM 96.80
蒜香金凤鸡 (Garlic Roasted Golden Chicken)
RM 52.80
御品马草鸡 (Signature Ma Herb Chicken)
RM 71.50
海参滋补菜园鸡煲 (Sea Cucumber and Chicken Herbal Hotpot)
RM 74.80
平安如意四宝蔬 (Peaceful Harmony Four Treasures Veggies)
RM 33.00
富贵堂捞腊味饭 (Fortune Waxed Meat Rice)
RM 38.50
意式番茄海鲜烩面 (Italian Style Tomato Seafood Braised Noodles)
RM 38.50