Golden Bowl of Fortune 闔家團圓 (全家福精美盆菜)
Prosperity Abalone & Salmon Lohei *鴻運撈起 鮑魚三文魚撈生*
阖家甜蜜(桃膠雪蓮子燉冰糖雪梨) Double Boiled Snow Lotus Seed Peach Gum with Rock Sugar Pear
Veggie Sharks’ Fin w Black Moss Soup ⾦碧輝煌 (發菜蟹⾁⿂翅羹)
Braised HK Truffle Ee Fu Noodles 春風滿面 (松露燜香港伊麵)
Sliced Abalone w Braised Premium Mushroom serve w Spinach 花開富貴 (鮑魚花菇扒波菜)
Miao Yi Signature Crispy Roasted Delight - 鴻運當頭 (妙益招牌乳豬)
Lion Mane Mushroom Golden Pumpkin Lotus Bun 幸福美滿(猴頭菇金瓜刈包)
銀兔滿堂(20 年陳皮石斛養生湯 Double Boiled Aged Orange Peel w Dendrobium Nourishing Soup
Braised Prosperity Balls w Sauteed Broccoli 紅燒大福丸伴西蘭花