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破小人接贵人 Po Xiao Ren + Gui Ren
RM 75.90
Will be better for 3 sets By worshiping the 金虎爷, individuals can attract 贵人 or beneficial connections into your lives. The Tiger God is believed to bring prosperity and stability, capable of dispelling negative influences and warding off evil forces. Many believe that the Tiger God can magnify and enrich their career and financial prospects. Furthermore, the Tiger God holds a revered status as a guardian and provider of blessings for children, safeguarding their well-being and fostering their development.
RM 65.90
补运 Bu Yun
RM 65.90
送莲花 Song Lian Hua
RM 65.90
冤情债主 Yuan Qing Zhai Zhu
RM 68.90
人车平安金纸 "人车平安金纸"用于祈求人和车辆的平安和安全,是一种民俗信仰中的金纸。 这种金纸通常用于祭祀或祈福活动中,希望神明或祖先保佑人们出行平安,避免意外或灾害。它代表着人们对于安全出行的祈愿和期盼,是一种对生活安全的关注和祈祷。
RM 68.90
土地公平安金纸 "土地公平安金纸"用来祈求土地公保佑平安的纸张。这样的金纸可能会在民间信仰活动中使用,人们会把它燃烧给土地公,表达对土地公的敬意和祈求土地安宁平安的愿望。
RM 68.90
和合姻緣金纸 "和合姻缘金纸"通常用于祈求婚姻和谐、缔结良缘的情况。这种金纸可能在婚礼中用于祈福、祝福新人的婚姻美满幸福;也可以在其他祈福活动中使用,希望有情人终成眷属、婚姻生活和谐幸福。这种金纸代表了人们对于婚姻幸福和家庭和睦的期盼和祝福。
RM 68.90
壽金纸 “寿金纸"用于祈求长寿和福寿安康的纸张,通常在祭祀祖先、庆祝长者生日或者祈福祝福时使用。它代表着对长寿、健康和幸福的祝愿和尊敬。
RM 68.90
金榜题名金纸 "金榜题名金纸"用来祈求考试合格或者学业成功的纸张,这种金纸通常会在学校、考试场所或家庭中使用,以祈求考试或学业上的平安和成功。这种金纸可能会有特殊的设计或祈福的文字,用来表达对考生或学子的祝福和祈求。
RM 68.90
Noblemen / Benefactors (贵人), as the name suggests, are people who uplift our lives, bring us opportunities, and help us along the way in life. Some of which can be life-changing. These are the people we want to attract in life. This package is recommended to be included when praying to enhance your benefactors' luck, eliminate difficulties and disasters, and dispel villains.
RM 130.90
补财库 报平安
Enhancing wealth vault package is suitable for anyone who wish to enhance, expand and increase the size of their wealth vault.
RM 261.90