Small R30.00
Small R40.00
Large R90.00
Triple Decker Small
Large R100
Triple Decker Small 75.00
Triple Decker Large R175.00
Medium R30
Small 20
Small R20.00
Small R15
Large R40.00
Large R25
Small with chipsR35
Small with chips R35.00
Large Hake with chips R45.00
Small R15.00
Large R25.00
Large with chips R45.00
Small Hake with chips R35.00
Large Hake with chips R45.00
Small Hake with chips R35.00
TSI polony, chips and ½ cheese R15.00
GTI polony ½cheese, ½ vienna, ½ russian,½ patty
TDI polony, ½ cheese, ½ vienna, ½ russian R20.00
GTI Polony ½cheese, ½ Vienna ½ russian½ patty
GTI polony ½ cheese ½vienna ½russian ½patty R25.00
TSI polony, ½cheese, ½ vienna
TDI polony, ½cheese½vienna½russian
Golf R polony, full cheese, full russia, full patty, Egg R35.00
Dunked Chicken Strips, chips and juice RR35.00
GTI Polony ½cheese, ½ Vienna ½ russian½ patty
Golf S full cheese, full vienna, full Russian half patty R30.00
Beef/ Chicken Burger, chips and juice R35.00
golf S Polony, full cheese, full vienna, full patty
TDI polony ½cheese ½vienna ½ Russian R20.00
TSI polony ½cheese, ½ vienna R15.00
Hot dog , chips and juice R35.00
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TDI polony, ½cheese½vienna½russian
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