This is aMARKETING HAS CHANGED. If you’re still trying to sell to customers using old, worn-out hard close techniques that worked decades ago, you will soon be as extinct as the dinosaurs. You can’t ‘trick’ a customer into a sale. And no matter what you’ve heard from some online marketers and sales trainers, there is no need for mind control techniques. Good marketing is not manipulation. You’ll sell more by serving your customers and clients than you ever will by taking advantage of them. If you’re like me, and many of the clients I’ve worked with over the years, those old sales techniques made you uncomfortable anyway. You got into business to bring value to others. And that’s why you’re going to love the methods I’ll be sharing throughout this book. These methods allow you to guide, encourage, and share value with your customers before they ever spend a single penny with you. Subscribers regularly email me and tell me how much they appreciate the value that I’ve shared with them, even if they haven’t purchased yet. This same principle applies with blogs, podcasts, videos, and social media. You don’t have to wait for someone to become a customer before adding value to their life. Today’s customers are better informed than ever before. product description
Product 2
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Product 3
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