Golden Loaf Chocolate Croissant
AEDĀ 2.25
Bread King Freshly Baked Small White Sliced Bread
AEDĀ 3.00
7 Days Croissants Filled with Cocoa Cream (5+1 Free)
AEDĀ 12.50
Modern Bakery Flat Bread - low calorie
AEDĀ 5.50
Golden Spike Fresh Bakery Crumbs
AEDĀ 6.50
Britannia Wheat Rusks with Cardamom
AEDĀ 8.00
Modern Bakery Sesame Buns (6 Pieces)
AEDĀ 5.50
Aryaa Whole Wheat Chapatis (7 Pieces) - vegetarian no added preservatives
AEDĀ 6.00
L usine Sliced Milk Bread
AEDĀ 7.95
Golden Loaf Freshly Baked Large Baguette
AEDĀ 4.00
Britannia Toastea Wheat Rusk
AEDĀ 2.99
EuroCake Lova Rich Brownie Cake Filled with Creamy Chocolate (3 Pieces)
AEDĀ 10.50
Naslada Gingerbread Cakes
AEDĀ 15.00
L usine Milky Chocolate Sandwich
AEDĀ 3.50
Yaumi Fruit Cake Slice
AEDĀ 2.25
Bread King Sliced Bun with Cream Filling
AEDĀ 6.00
Americana Chocolate Swiss Roll Filled with Vanilla Cream
AEDĀ 1.75
Ulker O lala Chocolate Coated Cake Bar
AEDĀ 3.00
Ibn Al Balad Organic Whole Wheat Bread with Bran
AEDĀ 3.50
La Crema de Alva Croissant Filled with Cherry
AEDĀ 7.75