

Here at YoYo Wich we offer Asian style sandwich with our own interpretation of French Baguette. It is an All Day Dining where you may start your day with our aromatic house coffee and freshly made sandwich or come by to have tea with our cakes and muffins. We uphold our principal of no added artificial additives like MSG in our recipes.

Come enjoy a healthy baguette filled with freshly prepared ingredients at YoYo Wich!

YoYo Wich 的主打亚洲风格三明治灵感来自于法国面包。每日新鲜出炉的面包口感外酥内软包含着亚洲风味的馅料,再配上我们独特的咖啡绝对让您回味。加上我们自家烘焙的蛋糕和特选的香茶可以让您过上个休闲美味的下午。

我们持有绝无人工添加物的信念让您绝对可以放心在YoYo Wich用餐!

As this is an in-house delivery platform with limited resources, we appreciate 2 hours in advanced order to avoid dissapointment. We thank you for your order & kind support during this challenging times, every order received would help us to stay in the business.


You can reach us at below address;

1) Simpang Ampat outlet : No 3, Jalan Idaman , Taman Idaman 14100 Simpang Ampat, Penang.
Tel: 04-505 4400

2) Autocity outlet : No 1679-G3, Jalan Perusahaan Autocity, North South Highway Interchange, 13600 Juru, Prai, Penang.
Tel : 04-2402 000

3) Gurney Paragon outlet: Lot L2 Pg, Level 2, gurney paragon mall, 163D persiaran gurney 10250, Georgetown, Penang.
Tel : 04-2859660

01. Fried Egg Sandwich

Sandwich with fried egg, egg butter, scallion, coriander, cucumber, fresh chilies, homemade tomato sauce, pickled garlic & carrots

RM 12.90

01. Fried Egg Sandwich

02. Ham with Mushroom Pate

Choices of freshly sliced original chicken ham or garlic mushroom ham with pate, fresh coriander, cucumber, fresh chilies, pickled garlic, pickle carrots with homemade egg butter

RM 13.90

02. Ham with Mushroom Pate

03. Ham and Egg with Mushroom Pate

Choices of freshly sliced original chicken ham or garlic mushroom ham with fried egg, pate, homemade egg butter, coriander, cucumber, fresh chilies, pickled garlic & pickled carrots

RM 14.90

03. Ham and Egg with Mushroom Pate

04. Barbeque Chicken with Egg Butter

Savory herb roasted barbeque chicken with homemade egg butter, coriander, scallion, cucumber, fresh chilies, pickled garlic & pickled carrots

RM 15.90

04. Barbeque Chicken with Egg Butter

05. Lemongrass Roast Chicken with Egg Butter

Oven-roasted aromatic lemongrass chicken breast with homemade egg butter, coriander, scallion, cucumber, fresh chilies & pickled carrots

RM 15.90

05. Lemongrass Roast Chicken with Egg Butter

06. Tomato Chicken Meatballs

Tomato chicken meatballs with coriander, scallion, cucumber, fresh chilies & pickled carrots

RM 15.90

06. Tomato Chicken Meatballs

07. Sauteed Mushroom & Cheese Sandwish

Sautéed mushrooms with cheese with pate and egg butter (vegetarian)

RM 14.90

07. Sauteed Mushroom & Cheese Sandwish

08. Cheesy Tomato Chicken Meatballs

Tomato chicken meatballs with coriander, scallion, cucumber, fresh chilies & pickled carrots

RM 16.90

08.  Cheesy Tomato Chicken Meatballs

10. Smoked Chicken Sandwich

Smoked chicken, fresh tomatoes, Japanese cucumber, pickled white onion & beetroot, homemade tomatoes paste, egg butter

RM 13.90

10. Smoked Chicken Sandwich