KCSE History Form 2 Pocket Note Book

Unraveling History, a handy Pocket Notebook for KCSE Form 2

Unraveling the past, this comprehensive History notebook has been specially designed to help you explore and understand the rich tapestry of human history. Whether you have a passion for history or need extra guidance in this subject, this notebook aims to provide you with clear explanations, real-life examples to enhance your knowledge and excel in your Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams.

History is the study of the past, encompassing all aspects of human life, society, and events. By studying history, we gain valuable insights into how societies have evolved, the causes and consequences of significant events, and the complexities of human nature. History helps us understand our own identity, learn from past mistakes, and shape a better future. This book covers important topics such as methods of trade, traditional forms transport and communication, development of industry, scientific revolution, organization of African societies, constitutions and its making
Ksh 100.00


Ksh 150.00