Discovering History, a notebook for KCSE Form 1 Students
Welcome to discovering history for KCSE Form 1 Students. This notebook will guide you through the fascinating world of history, helping you explore the key events, civilizations, and transformative periods that have shaped our world. Whether you are new to history or seeking to deepen your understanding, this book will provide you with concise explanations, important historical figures, and engaging examples to help you excel in your KCSE history examinations.
The book lays foundation for our exploration of history, understanding its significance and introducing the basic principles that guide historical inquiry by defining history and its importance in understanding the past and exploring the role of historians in interpreting and analyzing historical events of the Stone Age and Early Human Civilizations, development of Agriculture, the people of Kenya up the 19th century, social economic and political organization of Kenya, Contracts between East Africa and the outside the world, citizenship and national integration.