React - The Complete Guide: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js & Redux

Become a React.js expert with this comprehensive course that takes you from the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to mastering React, the most popular JavaScript library for building modern web applications. This hands-on, project-driven course is perfect for developers who want to create dynamic, interactive user interfaces that scale effortlessly. Learn everything from React components, hooks, and state management to advanced topics like React Router and API integration. By the end, you'll have built multiple real-world projects and be ready to tackle any frontend challenge!    Syllabus:    Module 1: Foundations in HTML, CSS & JavaScript  Setting up your development environment  HTML & CSS basics: Structure and styling web pages  Introduction to JavaScript: Variables, data types, functions, and conditionals  DOM Manipulation and Event Handling    Module 2: Introduction to React.js  What is React? Why use it?  Setting up a React development environment with Create React App  JSX: Writing HTML inside JavaScript  Components, Props, and State: The building blocks of React  Handling events in React    Module 3: React Hooks  Introduction to Hooks: Why they matter  Using the useState and useEffect hooks  Working with forms and user inputs in React  Building dynamic components with hooks    Module 4: Advanced React Concepts  Context API: Managing state across multiple components  React Router: Navigating between different pages  Optimizing performance: Memoization and lazy loading  Error boundaries and handling errors in React    Module 5: React and APIs  Fetching data with fetch and Axios  Displaying dynamic content from APIs  Handling asynchronous operations with React  Best practices for working with APIs in React    Module 6: State Management with Redux  Introduction to Redux and why it's used  Setting up Redux in your React application  Managing global state with actions, reducers, and the Redux store  Middleware and advanced state handling with Redux Thunk    Module 7: Building a Full-Scale React Project  Planning and structuring a React project  Implementing everything learned (components, hooks, routing, API)  Deploying your React application to the web  Best practices for maintaining large React projects    Module 8: Final Project  Building a complete, feature-rich React web application from scratch  Implementing advanced state management, API calls, and dynamic content  Focus on real-world problem solving and scalability    By the end of this course, you’ll have mastered React and its surrounding ecosystem, enabling you to build complex, scalable, and modern web applications confidently.

