Beetroot Pickle (ബീറ്റ്റൂട്ട് അച്ചാർ)

Beetroot Pickle (ബീറ്റ്റൂട്ട് അച്ചാർ)

A fiery and flavorful condiment that adds a delightful kick to traditional South Indian cuisine. This pickle is made by finely chopping beetroot and then mixing it with a blend of spices and seasonings.

The result is a brilliant, ruby-red pickle that offers a perfect balance between the natural sweetness of the beetroot and the intense spiciness of the seasoning. South Indian spicy beetroot pickle is known for its versatility and is often served as a side dish to complement dishes like rice, dosa, idli, or any south Indian meal. It adds a burst of colour and a tantalizing taste to the plate, making it a beloved accompaniment in South Indian cuisine.
SKU: 8906082767089
