Real Time Clock RTC DS3231 I2C real-time clock compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Real Time Clock RTC DS3231 I2C real-time clock compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Real Time Clock RTC DS3231 I2C real-time clock compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

✔️ The high precision DS3231 watch crystal used in the AZDelivery DS3231 RTC reduces the deviation to a few minutes per year!
✔️ Thanks to the built -in battery, the time is also stored even in the event of a failure of the supply voltage. In addition, this allows the implementation of the date take into account the year 2100.
✔️ Easy wiring via only four pins thanks to I2C interface.
✔️ Easy integration into projects thanks to ready-to-use open source libraries. Our Real Time Clocks are compatible with all common models of Raspberry.

SKU: RTCRccwAaRP-374
AED 32.00