DHT11 Temperature sensor and humidity sensor compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
DHT11 Temperature sensor and humidity sensor compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

DHT11 Temperature sensor and humidity sensor compatible with Arduino and Raspberry Pi

DHT11 is a affordable, reliable digital temperature and humidity sensor and the predecessor of the widely used DHT22/AM2302.
This module is suitable for both 5V and 3.3V microcontrollers.

Using a capacitive humidity sensor and a thermistor, the sensor measures surrounding air data
and passes these values as a digital signal to the data pin (no analog input pins are required).
The sensor is simple to use, measuring every 2 seconds.

✔️ DHT11 for 3.3V and 5V microcontrollers
✔️ for reliable display of temperature and humidity.
✔️ many libraries and application examples with most controllers
✔️ great popularity in the community

SKU: TsahscwAaRP-291
AED 33.00