DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and humidity sensor
DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and humidity sensor

DHT22 AM2302 Temperature sensor and humidity sensor

✔️ The DHT22 is a reliable sensor for determining temperature and humidity.
✔️ Since the sensor can be operated with 3.3V as well as 5V, it is suitable for connection to all common boards like RN-Control, Raspberry Pi and all other microcontrollers.
✔️ Besides the operating voltage, only one port needs to be connected to the sensor.
✔️ The output is serial as a digital bit sequence. This makes the sensor ideal for monitoring the indoor climate or setting up a weather station.

Technical data
Model DHT22
Dimensions 15 x 25 x 7.7mm
Power supply 3.3 - 6V DC
Output signal Digital signal via single bus
Sensor element Polymer humidity capacitor
Measuring period 2s
Accuracy +-0.5Celsius / +-2%RH (Max +-5%RH) (temperature and humidity)
Resolution 0.1Celsius / 0.1%RH (temperature and humidity)
Long-term stability +-0.5%RH/year

SKU: Tsahs-346
AED 50.00