The NodeMCU Lua Amica Module V2 is a development board based on the ESP8266 ESP-12F Wi-Fi microcontroller. It is similar to the NodeMCU Lua Lolin V3 Module, but is manufactured By a different company and may have slightly different features or specifications.
How the Lolin V3, the Amica V2 version of the NodeMCU board is built around the ESP-12F Module and includes a USB-to-serial converter for programming and debugging. The board has a micro-USB connector for power and programming, as well as a set of headers for connecting to external components. The CP2102 is a popular USB-to-serial converter IC used on this board to convert USB signals to serial signals so that the board can be programmed via a USB cable.
This board also comes unsoldered, so the user should assemble the parts before use. The board also comes pre-installed with the NodeMCU Lua firmware, which allows the board to be programmed using the Lua scripting language. The NodeMCU API provides a convenient way to interact with the ESP8266's built-in Wi-Fi functionality, making it easy to connect to the Internet, create a web server, or control other devices.
Easy programming via LUA or the Arduino IDE!
Incl. pin headers to solder yourself
Powerful hardware, because based on ESP8266 12F with 9 GPIO pins!