Electronics Super Starter Kit microcontroller board, power supply module, servo, step and direct current motors sensor kit compatible with arduino

Electronics Super Starter Kit microcontroller board, power supply module, servo, step and direct current motors sensor kit compatible with arduino

AZ-Delivery DIY Electronics Kit for Beginners is a kit for all your projects. It includes a controller board and a USB cable, also a box for small parts like LEDs, ICs, buttons, diodes and so on.

Component list
65 bridge wire Stepper motor
Servomotor SG90 LCD1602 with I2C adapter
Joystick module Membrankontakt module (film keyboard)
5V relay F-M dupont wire
DHT11 sensor module 9V battery connection
Diodes rectifier 1N4007 Small button
Thermistor Transistor PN2222
RGB LED LED red 5Stk
LED yellow 5stk. LED blue 5Stk.
UN R3 with cable Prototype shielding
830-pin Breadboard IR remote control
Breadboard power supply Resistance 100 pieces
Uln2003 stepper driver driver board Ultrasound sensor
Water level detector Fan wheel and 3V DC engine
4-digit 7-segment display 1-digit 7-segment display
IR receiver module Sound sensor module
L293D engine driver IC 74HC595
Tilting switch Active buzzer
Passive summer Photo resistance 2 pcs.
LED green 5stk.

SKU: ESSKmpssadcmskcwa-102
AED 210.00