Tiens-Tianshi is a Chinese company, founded in 1995 by Mr. Li Jinyuan, and expanded into various markets starting in 1998.
Tiens-Tianshi Products is the world’s leading producer of health food and home appliances. Therefore, through its products, millions of families worldwide have access to high-quality health products and healthy living. The Tiens Group has expanded massively in recent times, spreading to 190+ countries and developing in many different sectors. As a result, they now focus on Retail, Bio-tech, e-Business, and Education too.
Furthermore, Tiens Group is the world’s leading producer of health food and home appliances. Through its products, millions of families worldwide have access to high-quality health products and healthy living. Presently, they are at the forefront of health trends for years, steadily growing their range to include everything from energy drinks to organic cosmetics.
Also, Tiens-Tianshi’s mission is to provide high-quality health products, educational opportunities, and social causes for people all over the world. They aim to improve lives, make society more harmonious, and benefit the world.