Elderberry Tincture

A liquid botanical remedy that combines elderberries with lung
and immune-Supporting herbs. It's shelf-stable, super
concentrated, and easy to use, Elderberry has a long history of
use for both daily immune support and as a respiratory remedy.
Our formula is more powerful than elderberry alone because of
its complementary herbs. Made with certified organic
Elderberry Immune modulator, rich in vitamin C, rich in
quercetin, potent respiratory remedy.
Mullein Excellent Iung support, anti-inflam matory, calms
Coughs and sore throats.
Clove -Antibacterial, immune support.
Ginger Anti-inflammatory, immune support, calms sore
Astragalus root Immune supporting, adaptogenic.
Orange peel- Rich in vitamin C, supports digestive health.
Calendula Anti-viral, antibacterial, anti-parasitic.