premium cheeseboard
premium cheeseboard
premium cheeseboard

premium cheeseboard

it includes:

the cheese
truffle brie, cheddar, gouda

the meat
honey baked ham, salami

the crunch
seasonal berries, tomatoes

the crackers
water crackers, pretzels

the nuts
walnuts, macadamia, almonds

the drizzle
honey, crushed pistachio

the portion
feeds up to 3 to 4 humans

the timeline
please allow seven days for the pre-ordered platters to be ready for pickup

the duration
for maximum freshness, it should be consume on the day itself and refrigerated for three days

we firmly believe that you share our passion for truffles. this platter encapsulates a delectable journey to truffle paradise.

sending you right off to heavenly experience. likewise you can switch from honey baked ham to truffle baked ham.

the final product may vary due to movement, but we will make every effort to preserve everything in its proper place.

switch your honey baked to truffle ham
