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Lemon Noir 黑·柠檬
The zesty punch of fresh lemon with the deep, robust notes of espresso, perfect for those who crave a refreshing, bright, and invigorating kick with their caffeine fix in this hot weather. 清新的柠檬风味犹如意外的剧情反转,将普通黑咖啡的体验升华为一场精彩的味蕾冒险。新鲜柠檬的清新香气冲击与浓缩咖啡的浓郁风味完美融合,非常适合在这炎炎夏日中渴望一份清爽、明亮和提神的咖啡因补给的你。
Tropical Noir 热带努尔瓦
A tropical escape in a cup, where freshly brewed coffee meets juicy essence of mango and refreshing touch of coconut water. It delivers a delightful fusion of tropical and rich coffee flavours that will transport you to a sunny paradise. 一款充满热带风情的咖啡,多汁的芒果与解渴的生椰结合在一起,再加上鲜萃的黑咖啡,呈现出的口感清爽无负担,仿佛坐上通往热带乐园的列车般畅快无比。
Berries Peach Punch 在桃甜莓
A vibrant blend delivers a refreshing burst of juicy berries and sweet peach fruitiness with a rich coffee kick, offering delightful and invigorating flavours in every sip. 浓郁的蜜桃香气和微酸的莓果味道交织在一起,恰到好处地与咖啡的深邃口感融合在一起。鲜萃的咖啡作为基底为水果風味带来了丰盈的口感,使得这款特调咖啡整体既充滿活力又具备醇厚的质感。
Berries Oolong O 乌·莓子酱
A twist on traditional Yuan Yang. Crafted with oolong tea base, this coffee begins with the bright flavours of berries upon the first sip, followed by the lingering aftertaste of oolong tea. 这杯新式鸳鸯咖啡的茶汤选用了乌龙茶来制作,入口先是清香莓果与咖啡的味道,而后是留在嘴里回甘的乌龙茶香。
Mystery Box 盲盒
Signature coffee -Seasonal unique flavour
Tropical Blanc 热带布兰克
Begins with the vibrant flavour of mango and followed by the smooth creaminess of coconut milk, which adds a comforting depth to the coffee. 这款咖啡入口先是鲜亮的芒果风味,随后是与丝滑椰奶交织所带来令人愉悦的层次感。每一口都如同置身阳光明媚的岛屿,享受晨风的轻抚
Lemon Blanc 白·柠檬
A vibrant combination of fresh lemon and smooth milk, which come together to create a tantalizingly creamy texture. The addition of a bold shot of espresso perfectly balances the tartness of the lemon with the richness of the milk. 一种让味蕾焕发活力的咖啡,别具一格!这款咖啡将新鲜柠檬的清香与牛奶的柔滑完美结合,创造出一种光滑细腻的口感;再加上醇厚的浓缩,让你的一天瞬间明亮起来! 每一口都在清香酸甜的柠檬与浓郁的咖啡香中找到完美的平衡!
Minty Blanc 白·薄荷
Blends with a hint of cool, crisp mint flavour. It is then topped with milk, creating a velvety texture that balances the bold coffee and refreshing mint. 一杯精心调配的特调咖啡,带有薄荷香氣,醇厚口感中带着清涼的風味。似是一股微風拂過般,让人感受到涼爽与甜美的滋味,带给你令人愉悦的口感体验!
Lemon Pie 柠檬派
Blends velvety cream, bold coffee, and lemon into a delightful concoction that's both sweet and sassy, with every sip delivering a zesty zing and creamy comfort. Indulge in a little lemon pie-in-a-cup magic! 这款咖啡就像奶奶做的柠檬派一样美味! 入口先是清香绵密的柠檬奶蓋,再來是咖啡与柠檬完美结合的口感,带来丝滑的舒适感。体验一种美味的魔法,一款「喝的柠檬派」!
Butter Cookies 黄油曲奇
Blends rich espresso with creamy, caramelized butter notes. It is like enjoying a freshly baked cookie in every sip. 這款咖咖巧妙地融合了奶咖滑順醇厚的口感与淡淡焦香黃油的香氣,每一口都仿佛在品嚐剛烤好的餅乾,充滿甜蜜與溫馨。
Esp Packs
Mini order of 5. Fresh enjoyment within 7-14 days. The new trends of coffee lover’s daily routine. Have a boost of energy whenever you feel like! Enjoy at home, office, university or wherever life takes you!
Daily Booster Mix & Match
Mini order of 5. Fresh enjoyment within 5-7 days The new trends of coffee lover’s daily routine. Have a boost of energy whenever you feel like! Enjoy at home, office, university or wherever life takes you!
Additional Daily Booster Mix & Match Pack
Only for additional daily booster packs above minimum order of 5.
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