Flower bouquet
We do flower arrangement bouquet well wrapped with a beautiful satin ribbon 🎀 You can order this flower bouquet one day before your event /suprise
TSh 30,000.00
TSh 35,000.00
Money bouquet
We are making beautiful money bouquet according to customers size request ,it is well wrapped Your Warmly welcome
TSh 25,000.00
TSh 20,000.00
Basket Hamper
We have beautiful basket hamper well wrapped and good arrangement Customer can choose any type of product to be in the basket hamper so the price might be more or less But due to the pictures uploaded the price is the same Your Warmly welcome
TSh 70,000.00
TSh 650,000.00
Male gift set
We have beautiful male gift set arrangement special brother, husband or father on his birthday gift or anniversary The customer can reduce or add some item due to her/his request Your Warmly welcome
TSh 80,000.00
TSh 75,000.00
Flower bouquet
We do flower arrangement bouquet well wrapped with a beautiful satin ribbon 🎀 You can order this flower bouquet one day before your event /suprise
TSh 30,000.00
TSh 35,000.00
Money bouquet
We are making beautiful money bouquet according to customers size request ,it is well wrapped Your Warmly welcome
TSh 25,000.00
TSh 20,000.00
Basket Hamper
We have beautiful basket hamper well wrapped and good arrangement Customer can choose any type of product to be in the basket hamper so the price might be more or less But due to the pictures uploaded the price is the same Your Warmly welcome
TSh 70,000.00
TSh 650,000.00
Male gift set
We have beautiful male gift set arrangement special brother, husband or father on his birthday gift or anniversary The customer can reduce or add some item due to her/his request Your Warmly welcome
TSh 80,000.00
TSh 75,000.00
Flower bouquet
We do flower arrangement bouquet well wrapped with a beautiful satin ribbon 🎀 You can order this flower bouquet one day before your event /suprise
TSh 30,000.00
TSh 35,000.00
Bridal bouquet flower
We are making bridal bouquet flower for a special wedding day with reasonable price You can choose type of flower you want
TSh 65,000.00
TSh 60,000.00
Male gift set
We have beautiful male gift set arrangement special brother, husband or father on his birthday gift or anniversary The customer can reduce or add some item due to her/his request Your Warmly welcome
TSh 80,000.00
TSh 75,000.00
Flower bouquet
We do flower arrangement bouquet well wrapped with a beautiful satin ribbon 🎀 You can order this flower bouquet one day before your event /suprise
TSh 30,000.00
TSh 35,000.00
Basket Hamper
We have beautiful basket hamper well wrapped and good arrangement Customer can choose any type of product to be in the basket hamper so the price might be more or less But due to the pictures uploaded the price is the same Your Warmly welcome
TSh 70,000.00
TSh 650,000.00