Koki beans and ripe plantain
Cameroon koki beans spicy black eyed pea pudding, cooked in banana leaves and served with sweet ripe plantains and potatoes
FCFA 3,500
FCFA 5,000
A Cameroonian delicacy typically made by the Bafaw people of the South West region of Cameroon. It features grated cocoyams, wrapped in green leafy vegetables then simmered with crayfish, palm oil and other ethnic spices.
FCFA 5,000
FCFA 6,500
Achu and Yellow Soup
Achu Soup, also known as “One Finger” and the “Food for Kings”, is a traditional dish found in Bamenda, Cameroon. This Cameroonian recipe pairs fresh cocoyams pounded into fufu with a bright yellow soup compact with intense flavors. With a meat broth and palm oil base, the unique combination of Afri
FCFA 4,500
FCFA 7,500
Fufu and Njama Njama
FuFu corn and Njama Njama- popular green vegetable in Cameroon, especially in the North West Region and to a lesser extent in Nigeria and Kenya, seasoned with paprika, cayenne and a little kick from the habanero
FCFA 1,000
FCFA 1,500