Naturale Wheatgrass
Product Details
Benefits of Wheatgrass Powder 100% Organic Natural Food Supplement having multiple health & wellness benefits such as: Helps strengthen immune system (body resistance). Helps in detoxification (purification) of blood, resolves foul odors of breath and sweat. Alkaline food that helps balance blood pH towards normal. Helps increases Hemoglobin (Red Blood Cells count / RBC count) in blood. Helps combat Thalassemia, Anemia and Sickle Cell Anemia. Helps improve reproductive health of both men & women, increase vigor, vitality & helps conceive. Help combat blood & digestion related disorders such as Thalassemia, Anemia, Leukemia, Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity (Weight loss), Constipation, Acidity, Piles (Hemorrhoids), Ulcers, Arthritis, etc. Highly effective to reduce weight or achieve weight loss. Helps overcome skin disorders, improves skin & muscle tone. Paste of Wheatgrass Powder with milk applied like a face pack helps overcome skin problems such as Acne, Black / White heads, freckles, skin tan / burn, etc. Dietary fiber helps control blood sugar level, cholesterol level & prevents constipation. Directions for Use For best results, mix 1 sachet (5 g) Wheatgrass Powder in a glass of warm water, stir well & drink on an empty stomach in morning for minimum 1 month. Naturale Wheatgrass Powder is available in 150 g packing required for a month. Do not have any food for half an hour before and after consumption. A few drops of honey may be added to enhance taste. Consume minimum 1 sachet (5 g) a day and increase as per body acceptance. Some persons may experience nausea or irregular bowel movements in the starting few days which will subside once the body gets accustomed to the product. In such cases, reduce the quantity to say half a spoon & increase slowly day by day as per body acceptance. Safe - for children, the elderly & women during pregnancy, breastfeeding & if trying to conceive. Suggested Quantity A. Normal people (For generally well being and rejuvenation). Note: Wheatgrass Powder therapy should accompany a good diet consisting of vegetables, soups, sprouts, green salads, fruits, juices, dry fruits, etc. Bakery products, fried foods, sweets, spicy foods, overcooked food, non-veg, alcohol, etc. should be kept to a minimum.
#naturale #wheatgrass #naturalewheatgrass
Naturale小麦草(30包 * 5公克) 小麥草的重點功效:正如現代醫學和古希臘哲學所說:只要有適當的營養,環境和運動,人體本身便能產生自癒能力小麥草的功效由來已久,為中外學者推崇. 尤其於自然療法中,小麥草更是佼佼者觀察動物在病患時對草本的依賴,使我們更相信小麥草對自癒能力的效能。 服用指引: 1包 = 5克小麥草粉 30包 = 30天服用量 為達致最佳效果,可將1包(5克)之小麥草粉加入一杯溫水中調和飲用. 每天早上於空肚狀態下服用, 連續服用最少1個月 • 按適應度增加份量 • 服用前及後30 分鐘保持空肚可產生更佳消化和吸收效果 •可加入一茶匙蜜糖調和味道 建議用量 : 維持健康及活力人士 將1包(5克)之小麥草粉加入一杯溫水中,每天1包(长期服用)。 修補健康狀況和控制體重人士: 首5天: 每天早上包 第6-10天: 早晚各1包 第11天起: 早晚各2包 小麥草粉應服用最少90天以達致滿意效果 備註: 為達致最佳效果,小麥草粉應配合健康飲食 (蔬菜,水果等) 應避免或減少煙,酒,烘培,煎炸,辛辣等食品 小麥草的好處:
• 幫助改善免疫系統, 增強免疫力
• 天然抗氧化物有助消除口氣和汗臭
• 幫助淨化血液和增加血紅素的產生
• 幫助改善血液和消化問題
• 有效增加能量和恢復體力
• 幫助克服和改善皮膚/肌肉問題
• 有效控制體重 (配合適當飲食)
• 拌以牛奶敷上可改善皮膚問題
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