
Sin Kian Heng Minced Meat Noodle 新建興肉脞面

Established since 1975
Sin Kian Heng Minced Meat Noodle 新建興肉脞面 offers you tasty and yummy Ba Chor Mee at affordable price.

We also have other range of menu, ranging from Classic Minced Pork Noodle as well as our "Hot Seller Item -Mini Wok Soup with Pork Lard Rice". Its unique flavor will leave you ask for more!

Operating Hours 7am to 2pm.
Closed on Mondays

How to order?

Free Delivery for order $80 & above.

Below $80, delivery fees $6-$10 applies ( Depending on distance )

Last order 2359, for next day deliveries. Same day order latest 9.30am, subjected to drivers availability.

Modes of Payment

Electronic payment (Paynow/ Paylah) to 92248944 ( Bei )
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If you have any queries, please reply text us via Whatapps at +6585990010. We are always happy to serve you.

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