
Event In A Basket

Hello, welcome to Event In A Basket. We aim to bring convenience to your doorstep. Check out our product catalogue to find out more.

Operating Hours
- 9am and 6pm.

We seek your kind understanding that our listed selling prices are subjected to changes due to availability, market supply and its seasonality.
If a product you have submitted an order for has a change in price, we will inform you and you have the choice of canceling your order before delivery.

Ordering Details / Cut Off
1. All orders require to come in by 6pm
2. Frozen food: Receive within 3 working days of confirmation and payment
3. Ready cooked food: Receive the next day upon confirmation and payment

We offer 3 modes of payment
- Paynow / PayLah / Gpay to 9744 2288 upon confirmation of order
Do not make payment until we have contacted you about your order.

Contact Us
Should you require assistance, contact us at +65 9744 2288

Thank you for visiting our shop. =)