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Ruqyah Training Course
RUQYAH COURSE This module will bring you great benefit and knowledge on a spiritual level. Prophetic medicine undoubtedly integrates the Quran and invocations. Islam teaches us that we can heal ourselves spiritually, and we have a guide who is our prophet Mohammed... 1) Introduction to sorcery, Jinns and evil eye: Definition, reality and the only solution: Tawheed 2) Quranic water basic of every treatment 3) Writing verses on a paper then dipping it in water then showering with this water 4) Quranic oil massage and cupping 5) Ruqya for the people of the book 6) Condition for the one who undergoes ruqya 7) When ruqya is not effective 8) Diseases treated by ruqya 9) Shaytan the enemy to fight, his waswas and the way to face it 10) Evil (ach-charr) and the vast definition of evil eye 11) Types of witchcraft 12) Characteristics of the sorcerer 13) Dreams 14) The mass 15) The treatment of someone affected by evil eye 16) Epilepsy (the sar') 17) Jealousy (al-hasad) 18)The explanation of important verses, useful for ruqya 19) The whole quran is a cure 20) Surat l-baqara 21) Ayat l-kursi 22) The last two verses from 23) surat l-baqara 24) Surat l-ikhlas 25)The two protectors