Earl Grey Tea with Freeze-dried Peach Granola | 伯爵茶桃子燕麥脆片

Earl Grey Tea with Freeze-dried Peach Granola | 伯爵茶桃子燕麥脆片

Earl grey and peach are a classic combination for cakes and desserts, and they work equally well for granola!

⚪ Organic rolled oats
⚪ Organic maple syrup
⚪ Organic coconut and canola oil
⚪ Earl grey tea
⚪ Cashew
⚪ Organic flaxseeds
⚪ Organic sunflower seeds
⚪ Freeze-dried peach
⚪ Pea protein
⚪ Fleur de sel/ sea salt


⚪ 有機燕麥片
⚪ 有機楓糖漿
⚪ 有機椰子油和菜籽油
⚪ 伯爵茶葉
⚪ 腰果
⚪ 有機亞麻籽
⚪ 有機葵花籽
⚪ 冷凍乾燥水蜜桃脆片
⚪ 豌豆蛋白
⚪ 鹽之花