Rosiesulaimi DreamMaker

eSpring Water Treatment

eSpring Water Treatment System You can rely on the eSpring Water Treatment System to protect you and your family at the end of water’s journey into your home. Day and night, eSpring gives you peace of mind, providing clean, safe water on demand. Its cutting-edge technology provides water at your convenience and is easy to use and maintain. Features eCoupled wireless power technology transmits electricity through air, water and plastic components without direct electrical contact to light the unit’s UV lamp within the system. A “Smart Chip” connects to the system’s LED monitor display, which uses simple icons and audio cues to tell you whether the system is functioning properly. The monitor also alerts you when it is time to change the Cartridge. An advanced ultraviolet (UV) lamp lights only when water is flowing and uses exclusively designed filaments for rapid starting and a special gas mixture to make the lamp light instantly. It is surrounded by a highly-reflective stainless steel reflector and protected by a highly transmissive quartz sleeve to maxi-mise its effectiveness. Sensors drive the “Instant On” feature and a “window” used in the filtration process to detect the light from the UV lamp. It also manages water flow and can withstand some serious water pressure. The carbon block in the eSpring Cartridge features the use of high quality coconut shell-based activated carbon for effective removal of contaminants. Benefits Improves taste, odour and clarity of water. Effectively reduces more than 140 potential health-effect contaminants and retains beneficial minerals such as calcium and magnesium with its carbon filter. Destroys more than 99.99% of waterborne, disease-causing bacteria and viruses in drinking water with its ultraviolet light technology. Informs you of the remaining Cartridge life and system status through a patented monitoring system. Flows at tap temperature and ensures your energy costs remain low. Safety is assured as the water never touches any electrical component, thanks to its wireless power technology. Simple to replace the Cartridge without special tools, as there are no internal wires or plugs to disconnect and reconnect. Plus, the Cartridge is designed to last 5,000 litres or 1 year, whichever comes first. Easy to install

RM 4,623.60

/ 3 KG

RM 4,623.60

eSpring Water Treatment

Dish Drops

Dishwasher Dishdrop

RM 42.20

/ 1 L

RM 42.20

Dish Drops