LEE (Auction and BOP Coffee Buyer)(Always have a lots of rare Coffee)

LEE (Auction and BOP Coffee Buyer)(Always have a lots of rare Coffee)

Lee Focused on All Grand Cru Coffee ,He also is a BOP Coffee Buyer every year

NEW Year 5 In 1 30G*5
BlackMoon Lot20 Washed Geisha
Lerida FLLEGH-5 Geisha
Lerida FLLEGN-5 Geisha
Los Gonzales BOP Contestant Lot Natural Geisha
Los Gonzales BOP Contestant Lot Washed Geisha

Premium NEW Year 5 In 1 30G*5
Mount Totumas Rosas Morado Natural Washed Geisha
Longboard MMGW-33 Washed Geisha
LongBoard MMGW-42 Washed Geisha
Nuguo 534-N-WS Washed Geisha
Esmeralda Porton 5FC Washed Geisha

BlackMoon Chiroso 3 IN 1 30G*3
Lot 8&9 Chiroso Anaerobic Natural
Lot 20 Chiroso Anaerobic Natural
Lot Spell Reserve Chiroso Natural