Pink – Angelic Wings of Love Spray
Pink Angelic Wings of Love Spray calms aggression and brings in loving vibrations. Encouraging you to be kind and gentle with yourself and others. Brilliant for space clearing and chakra balancing. Breath in the magnificence of the Being within. This magical spray reminds you of the unconditional universal love that touches the soul and awakens the heart, bringing harmony and comfort.
Spray liberally around yourself or the room – the effects last for about 3 hours.
Children love this spray and if combined with the Blue Oil of Transformation at night. It is a wonderful support for all ages. Helping them to calm down and sleep easier
Angels of Transformation – Sprays
Angel of Transformation Sprays Invite a lighter, and gentler energetic support – They are brilliant for Auric clearing and balancing as well as for Space Clearing. They invite the light immediately and dispel any lower vibration or negativity. Each colour offers its own specific support, and their effects can be felt for 2 – 3 hours, so use as often during the day as you need.
Spray them lightly above the body and onto the heart, or around the room. Because the are not absorbed by the body – they do not address the deeper underlying causes of our discomfort – so they work beautifully hand in hand with the oils.