Neo Hair Lotion & Derma Roller 100% Original Thailand
Neo Hair Lotion & Derma Roller 100% Original Thailand
Neo Hair Lotion & Derma Roller 100% Original Thailand

Neo Hair Lotion & Derma Roller 100% Original Thailand

Ready Stock (Order ships with in 24-hours except Holidays & Emergency)

✓ Wholesale Available

✓ Direct from Thailand (with documentation)

✓ 100% ORIGNAL

✓ Expiry 1-2 years

✓ Quantity 1 Bottle 120 ML.

✓ Gunakan shampo lembut, seperti shampoo baby Utk cuci rambut

HOW TO USE: Gently comb your Hair 2-3 times and spray Neo Hair Lotion on the scalp, then gently comb the whole scalp. Use regularly morning and night. Suggestion: You must have disciplines and be patient. Spray the product on your scalp as much as possible without washing it away. Natural herbal extract 100% actual hair transplant results 100%. Hair loss thinning hair, baldness and genetically different from the effective - reduce hair loss from various situations effectively accelerate stimulating new hair growth, long and bushy black - maintenance repairs the hair root and hair, strong hair serum Herbal extract is beneficial to hair and scalp, no chemicals that poison the body. Ekstrak herba semula jadi 100% hasil pemindahan rambut sebenar 100%. Rambut gugur menipis, kebotakan dan berbeza secara genetik dari yang efektif mengurangkan keguguran rambut dari pelbagai situasi dengan berkesan mempercepat merangsang pertumbuhan rambut baru, hitam dan lebat - penyelenggaraan memperbaiki akar rambut dan rambut, serum rambut yang kuat Ekstrak herba bermanfaat untuk rambut dan kulit kepala, tiada bahan kimia yang meracuni badan.
SKU: Neohairlotion
RM 120.00

RM 135.00