That seafood and shellfish provide much of Wales’s freshest ingredients shouldn’t come as a surprise given how much of the country is coastal. Seabass, grey mullet, John Dory and mackerel thrive off the Welsh coast, but the headline act has to be sewin, otherwise known as sea trout, which is only fished during a rigidly-enforced window in the summer. Often caught by coraclers – brave fishermen happy to float downriver on something the size and shape of an industrial-sized wok – sewin’s diet of shrimps and crustaceans give it a rosy pink colour and a taste that knocks farmed salmon into a cocked hat. Best enjoyed simply, sewin pairs up especially well with wild samphire, which grows in plentiful supply along the coast at Carmarthen Bay. Fill your plate with chunky fish fillets and fabulous shellfish with our top seafood recipes