财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)
财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)

财源广进 (Prosperous Wealth)

龙腾贺岁翅 (Dragon's Prosperity Shark Fin Soup)
三元及第拼盘 (Three Blessings Platter)
鸿运剁椒蒸巴丁 (Steamed Patin Fish with Pickled Chili)
聚财佛钚旺来骨 (Fortune Prosperity Pineapple Rib)
西式奶油明虾 (Western Style Butter Prawns)
金沙富贵带子 (Golden Scallops of Wealth)
富贵堂捞腊味饭 / 意式番茄海鲜烩面 (Fortune Waxed Meat Rice / Italian Style Tomato Seafood Braised Noodles)
福运临门甜品 (Fortune Arrival Dessert)
SKU: CNY2025S3
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