Israel 750ml
The grapes were handpicked and delivered to the winery in small batches. The fresh juice went through alcoholic fermentation in stainless steel tanks at moderate temperatures, with a daily rack-and-return process. At the end of fermentation, the wine was pressed very gently. The wine aged for 15 months in tight-grain French oak barrels (50% new, and 50% 2-3 years old barrels), and for another 10 months in the bottle at the winery’s cellars. Before bottling, the wine went through light filtration that left the liquid full of its natural flavors.
Serving Suggestions
This wine’s vivid acidity and soft tannins make it a versatile, food-friendly Cabernet. It can accompany many different types of dishes, such as cream-based pasta, pan-seared salmon, roasted chicken, and beef stews.
Food Pairing: Steak, Grilled Vegetables and Roasted Sweet Potato, Moussaka.