
Oflan - Pesan WA

Donat Flan Pertama Di Indonesia


  • Donat Flan
  • 1L Kopi/Cokelat


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Bunda Maia Estianty bilang "Enak beut"
Bunda Maia Estianty bilang "Enak beut"

Bunda Maia Estianty bilang "Enak beut"

Oflan Mix

Best Seller! 1/2 Oflan Original & 1/2 Oflan Ube (Taro)

Rp 240,000

Oflan Mix

Oflan Original

The Legendary Original Vanilla Donut Flan!

Rp 240,000

Oflan Original

Paket Couple

1/2 Lusin Mix + 500ml Kopi Susu Flan

Rp 180,000

Paket Family

1 Lusin Oflan Mix + 1L Kopi Susu Flan

Rp 330,000

Tanya Jawab Umum

Semua bahan yang kami gunakan 100% Halal tanpa alkohol/rum. Flan kami dibuat dari cream susu asli tanpa susu kental manis sehingga rasanya bisa rich banget dan manisnya pas.    Donat kami buat fresh & tahan 2 hari di suhu ruang, 3 hari di kulkas, dan 1 minggu di dalam freezer.    Simpan dalam keadaan terbungkus rapat dalam kantong plastik atau tupperware (kedap udara) untuk menjaga kelembutan donat.    Donat kami kirim dari Jl Bangka Raya no 18E (Third Coffee) Jak Sel, untuk pesanan pickup mohon transfer sebelum datang karena takut kehabisan.

Ka Lisa

Ka Lisa

1L Kopi Susu Flan

Then we make coffee with our famous Flan!

Rp 120,000

1L Kopi Susu Flan

1L Latte Pistachio

Uniquely latte pistachio made witH our famous organic milk and fresh ROASTED premium coffee BEANS which ARE KEPT FOR 3 days to develop MAXIMUM PEAK FLAVOUR. We use superior infrared roasting technology to create more aromatic and low acid coffee that are easy on stomach

Rp 120,000

1L Latte Pistachio

1L Latte Aren

Premium Latte Aren made with our famous organic milk and fresh ROASTED premium coffee BEANS which ARE KEPT FOR 3 days to develop MAXIMUM PEAK FLAVOUR. We use superior infrared roasting technology to create more aromatic and low acid coffee.

Rp 100,000

1L Latte Aren

1L Cokelat

Our Chocolate Milk is especially made from Premium Cocoa Beans that we roast ourselves using our infrared roaster without any additional artificial flavour.

Rp 120,000

1L Cokelat
Ka Sahira Anjani

Ka Sahira Anjani

Our Beginning

Before making donut flan, we were selling topping donuts for Rp 10,000/3pcs to pair with our coffees. But topping donut is already too common. So we began crafting new kind of donut with flan. And to make it less sweet, we made a decision that may change the course history of donut flan, which is to lengthily process the flan with pure cream milk instead of using condensed milk. In essence, we make expensive rich pure cream milk flan affordable at the price of condensed milk flan. The people are utterly in love with the taste as it is more pronounced to the richness of the cream. And so the donut flan revolution began and everyone started to repeat order by dozens!