Infection Relief

Infection Relief

Infection Relief drink is effective for the following:

Bacterial infection, Toilet infection, UTI, STI, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Vaginitis and quick ejaculation in men.

Our Infection Relief is a blend of potent antibacterial and anti fungal herbs. Infection Relief is a unisex herbal remedy that helps both men and women for these reasons.


▫️May help with symptoms of early ejaculation, low sperm count, urinary tract infection, spermatorrhea, low back pains and may help to flush out dead sperm (necrospermia) which is a condition where significant portion of sperm in a semen sample is immobile or dead.


▫️May help with vaginal odor, abdominal pain, pelvic inflammatory disease, menstrual issues, yeast infection, cleanses and flushes out toxins in your system. The women who have been on any kind of contraceptive for a while now and want to get rid of it, Infection Relief is the effective remedy for this.

We always recommend that you take Infection Relief first if you want to start with the fertility route.
R 800,00
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