Self-Disinfecting Spray
Self-Disinfecting Spray
Self-Disinfecting Spray

Self-Disinfecting Spray

120 days Long-Lasting Self-Disinfecting Spray

A vital protection for your home - providing you and your family with a long-lasting Antimicrobial surface protection that is certified to last for 120 days with each application.

👍 Better to be applied on:
1️⃣. Hands / Body (24hrs protection due to skin shedding)
2️⃣. School Uniforms / Bags
3️⃣. Strollers / Riders / Carriers / Car seats
4️⃣. Beds / Cribs / Sofas
5️⃣. Kitchen Counters / Basin Taps
6️⃣. Toilet Seats
7️⃣. Switches / Door / Fridge Handles / Knobs
8️⃣. Fabric / Stainless steel / Polypropylene plastic / Glass / Wood / Magnet and any other surfaces
9️⃣. Aircon filter/ Air Purifier vent & filter

1️⃣. Protect against 99.9% germs
2️⃣. Certified Durability
3️⃣. Essential protection for homes / outdoors
4️⃣. Works on any surface
5️⃣. Alcohol Free and Non-Toxic
6️⃣. Safe for Pets & Children (even newborns!)
7️⃣. No hazardous resonance (reso-charge) leaching, non-cytotoxic