All 473ml
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Vegan Keto Strawberry
Handcrafted using only real strawberries. No sugar added! No Preservatives! Keto friendly! Diabetes friendly! Vegan! Dairy free! 2g Net Carbs/serving 102 cals/60g serving Protein 0.4g Fats 9.9g 473ml = 8 Servings Delivery: Monday - Friday Will WhatsApp you on the timing Please ensure someone will be at home to receive it IG: mooma.mooma.mooma
Uji Matcha
Keto uji matcha ice cream is a creamy, low-carb dessert that combines the vibrant flavors of premium matcha with a satisfying, guilt-free sweetness. Using only premium ingredients. No sugar added! No Preservatives! Keto friendly! Diabetes friendly! 0.9g Net Carbs/serving 109 cals/60g serving Protein 1.4g Fats 10.8g 473ml = 8 Servings 1 Serving = 60g Delivery: Monday - Friday Will WhatsApp you on the timing Please ensure someone will be at home to receive it IG: mooma.mooma.mooma