Yves Saint Laurent 'Y'

Yves Saint Laurent 'Y'

PLEASE NOTE: These are Proper Alcohol based Replica Perfumes (not water or oil
based), sealed and boxed in the same packaging as the original (with minor
The Generic Equivalent you purchase have no affiliation with the original
Manufacturers or Designers. Our interpretation of these fragrances were created
through reverse engineering, and the purpose of this description is to give the
Customer an idea of Scent Character, and not to mislead or confuse the customer.
They are in the same packaging as the original product that you know and love, but
they are r replicas When we say in the same packaging this means that they are not
in replica boxes or bottles, but the look may differ slightly as the bottles and
packaging changes over years
At times the concentrate or smell may differ slightly due to different
Manufacturing outlets and alcohol bases used.
It is hard to say how long the smell will last as at times you could set one that last
longer than another time.
They are Manufactured with original ingredients, just with less alcohol and more
pure ingredients and inspired by the Original brands.
R 350,00

R 750,00