Bouquet Promo
Flower option: roses, hydrangeas, carnations, orchids, baby’s breath. The final design and colours can be confirm 3 weeks before wedding date.
I WANT THIS Bouquet Promo
Flower option: roses, hydrangeas, carnations, orchids, baby’s breath The final design and colours can be confirm 3 weeks before wedding date, 1 type of flowers + 1 filler OR 1 greens.
Premium Bouquet
The final design and colours can be confirm 3 weeks before wedding date, 3type of flowers + 1 filler and 1 greens.
Cascading Bouquet
The final design and colours can be confirm 3 weeks before wedding date, 4 type of flowers + 1 filler and 1 greens.
Teacher’s Day (single stalk rose)
Flower option: matching with bridal bouquet. The final design and colours can be confirm 3 weeks before wedding date.
Bunga Rampai (basic- 30 pieces)
The final design and colours can be confirm 3 weeks before wedding date. Basic: burlap $2.50 each Premium: bottles $3.50 each Custom made: organza box $4.50 each All comes with customised stickers (bride and groom’s name and wedding date)
Customise your bouquet
Note that price varies for premium and seasonal flowers. The final design and colours can be confirm 3 weeks before wedding date, 3 type of flowers + 1 filler and 1 greens.
Dulang Hantaran
Car Decor
Wedding Favours
Minimum order of 100 pieces.
Wedding Cards
Custom made wedding cards comes with envelopes. Minimum order of 100 pieces.
Bouquet Workshop
We will be hosting a floral workshop this coming 28th September, experience creating your own artisan bouquet, learn the do’s and don’ts, tricks and techniques. Nothing better than spending your afternoon arranging flowers with your bestfriends or mom! Take a breather to unwind with us. Only 10 seats available.