Loyalty Card

Loyalty Card

Pure Rewarding Loyalty Card
Save More. Stay Hydrated. Enjoy Free Delivery.

Unlock exclusive discounts, hassle-free free delivery, and premium perks with our Loyalty Card.

Choose a subscription that works for you and enjoy savings on every order of Lasena Water.

Why Choose the Loyalty Card?
10% Off Every Order: Enjoy instant savings with every purchase.
Free Delivery: All subscriptions come with free home or office delivery.
Flexible Subscriptions: Choose from 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, 9 months, or 1 year.
Exclusive Access: Be the first to know about offers, new products, and special perks.
Bigger Plans = Bigger Savings: The longer you subscribe, the more you save!

Subscription Plans

30 Days (1 Month) ₦15,000 Perfect for trying out the program.

60 Days (2 Months) ₦27,500 Save ₦2,500 Extra savings vs. 30-day subscription.

90 Days (3 Months) ₦40,000 Save ₦5,000 Best for short-term savings.

6 Months ₦75,000 Save ₦15,000 Reliable savings for regular customers.

9 Months ₦110,000 Save ₦25,000 Greater value with loyalty perks.

12 Months (1 Year) ₦145,000 Save ₦35,000 Best value! Maximum savings + perks.

Why It’s a Great Deal
Free Delivery Included:
No hidden costs, no stress—your water comes straight to you.

Savings That Add Up:
“With a 1-year subscription, you save up to ₦35,000 with a 1-year plan.

Perfect for Every Budget:
Whether it’s 30 days or a full year, there’s a plan for everyone.

How It Works:
1.) Select your preferred subscription plan.
2.) Complete your payment securely online.
3.) Start saving 10% on all Lasena Water orders immediately!

Ready to Hydrate, Save, and Stay Refreshed?
Join the Rewarding Family Today
Enjoy premium hydration, unbeatable savings, and the convenience of free delivery with the Rewarding Loyalty Card.

💳 Subscribe Now and Start Saving!