Flower Bouquet
- Create your personalized crochet flower bouquet by selecting each flower type and wrapping option individually.
- Add each flower type to your cart with the wrapping option selected.
- If you wish to double up on the same variety of flower, please:
Add a new order to your cart.
Choose "no wrapping" for the additional flowers to avoid extra wrapping charges.
- For separate bouquets, please create a new order for each bouquet to ensure correct pricing and wrapping options. (if its confusing contact or add notes)
Example: 1st bouquet- 2rose 2nd bouquet- 3 daisies
Add to cart - 1 rose and 1 daisy with wrapping & the remaining with no wrapping
- For any special requests or notes, please include them in the "notes" section or contact us directly to inform us of your preferences.