- Enhance fat burning and reduce body fats
- Provide energy, 2X fat burning effect
- Convenient
- Reawaken metabolism
- Reduce belly fat and body shape
- Take 1 sachet 10 MINUTES before a hearty meal
- Max. of 2 sachets/day
- Take on the GO!
1 box = 3g X 25 sachets
SHAKE (Meal Replacement)
- First ever meal replacement that nourishes your stomach
- Rebuild and maintain muscle mass
- Comprehensive nutrition
- Increase satiety, reduce appetite
- Improve 3 highs
- Promote metabolism
- Will NOT cause rebound
1 box = 35g X 16 sachets
Suitable for people:
1) with gastritis
2) with irregular eating habits
3) who always skip meals
4) who wish to have a healthy digestive system
It's HALAL and VEGAN too!
Main Ingredients:
1) Pea Protein
2) Isolated Soy Protein
3) Dark Chocolate Powder
4) Oats
5) Multivitamins and multi-minerals
NO sweetener added, NO trans fat
MOFA+ (Gentle Detox)
- Cooling/Clearing heat
- Promote bowel movement and improve digestive issues
- Reduce irritability and help with weight loss
- Decrease acidity in blood
- Balance blood pH level
- Eliminates oedema
- Improve blood lipids
- Promote metabolism
1 box = 15g X 20 sachets
Suitable for people:
1) with constipation, oedema, bad breath
2) who are stressed
3) with weak constitution
4) who are foodie
Suitable for children aged 12 years and older too!
Main Ingredients:
1) Passion Fruit Powder
2) Psyllium husk
3) Soluble Apple Fibre
4) FOS Prebiotics (Stimulate growth of Probiotics)
5) Digestive Enzyme (Amylase, Protease and Lipase)