KCSE Maths Form 4 Pocket Note Book

KCSE Maths Form 4 Pocket Note Book

Mathematical Marvels a guide Pocket Notebook for KCSE Form 4

Welcome to Mathematical Marvels, this guide Pocket Notebook for KCSE Form 4 is handy guide carefully crafted to provide you with a deep understanding of the magical world of Mathematics serving as a valuable resource to help you excel in your KCSE exams and develop a strong Mathematical foundation for your future endeavors.
The book embarks on an exciting journey through the realm of Mathematics, exploring the fundamental concepts and principles that form the basis of this beautiful discipline like matrices and transformations, statistics, loci, trigonometry, three dimensional geometry, longitudes and latitudes, linear programming, differentiation, area approximation and integration. Let’s dive in!
Ksh 100.00


Ksh 150.00