F1-Direct Drive 200cc E-start

F1-Direct Drive 200cc E-start

Paramotor and Trike Engines
The engines are unique and specific to exploit the great possibilities and
trust, the quality of which is appreciated by our customers, distributors, pilots and
volunteer enthusiasts.
To help you, we can offer engine options.
Paramotor and Trike Engines
In particular, 180/200cc two-stroke engines and 400cc two-stroke engines, with or without clutch, in various configurations such as upright,
reversible, tilted at 45° or 90°, with natural or forced cooling, for
optimal temperature control, equipped with manual start, electric + manual
start or electric start only.
Paramotor and Trike Engines
...the art of flying
If you choose another model, we will calculate the relative price difference.
Please write to us and choose your engine
we will install the engine for your goals and tasks.
To choose the engine, we can send you
a catalog with a description.
Make your choice and we will calculate the cost.
Note that the cost of delivery is not included in the price.
Please write to us
and we will select the engine for you.