My Writing Adventure: Print Series 3+ (For 3 year olds)
Suitable for Preschool 1, Nursery 1 and ages 3+ Learners would trace letters given, Join dots to form/write letters and repeat the letters for emphasis and mastery purposes. Non-bias Feedback on activity.
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My Writing Adventure: Print Series 4+ (for ages 4+)
Suitable for Preschool 2, Nursery 2 and ages 4+ Learners would trace letters given and repeat the letters for emphasis and mastery purposes. They would also colour images given. Non-bias Feedback on activity.
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My Writing Adventure: Print Series 5+ ( for ages 5+)
Suitable for Preschool 3, Nursery 3 and ages 5+ Learners would trace letters given, and repeat the letters for emphasis and mastery purposes. Non-bias Feedback on activity.
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My Writing Adventure: Italics Series 6+ (for ages 6+)
Suitable for Primary 1, ages 6+ Learners would trace letters given and repeat the letters for emphasis and mastery purposes. Non-bias Feedback on activity.
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My Colouring Adventure: Neal Series 6+: (ages 6+)
Suitable for Primary 1, ages 6+ Learners would trace letters given and repeat the letters for emphasis and mastery purposes. Non-bias Feedback on activity.
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Introductory Mathematics
Helps learners with basic maths I.e learn to trace, write, recognize, count and match number pairs
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My Mathematics Adventure for Preschool 1
Learn number 1- 50 Number sequence Object discrimination Basic addition and subtraction using linear stroking
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My Mathematics Adventure for Preschool 2
Learning 1- 100 Sequence count More and less (inequality) Counting in 2s Addition and Subtraction Basic shaoed
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My Mathematics Adventure for Preschool 3
Number count from 100 - 200 Descending count 200 - 100 Number spellings from 11 - 20, 10 - 100 Multiplication Table 2 - 5 Skip counting Sequence count Counting and position numbers 2 and 3 dimensional shapes Quantity Addition and subtraction in units, tens and units Introduction to multiplication and division Days of the week, months in a year and time telling
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Introductory English
Tracing and writing of Letters A to Z Objects and Items that begin with A - Z Colouring of images etc.
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My English Adventure for Preschool 1
Tracing and writing of Letters A to Z Objects and Items that begin with A - Z Learning of Two letter words Picture reading of fruits, transportation etc.
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My English Adventure for Preschool 2
Learning letters and their objects (Selecting the appropriate objects from the list) Linking letters to their objects Learning two, three words Step by step reading with two and three letter words. Same words. Opposite of things Poem Recitation Occupation Reading and comprehension
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My English Adventure for Preschool 3
Three, four and five letter words Aided composition Tongue twisters Vowel and Consonant Identification Comprehension Poems Verbs Compound words Phonics and blending Homophone Singular and plural
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My colouring Adventure: Motor Skill Builder (for ages 2+)
Suitable for ages 2+ : Creche, Play group, Pre Nursery and Preparatory Class Helps learners colouring using a guide Stroke and pattern tracing Non-bias Feedback on activity
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My Colouring Adventure: Trace Drawing (for ages 3+)
Suitable for Preschool 1, Nursery 1 and ages 3+ Learners would trace an image then colour using a guide as provided. Facts on all images Non-bias Feedback on activity.
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My Colouring Adventure: Dotted Drawing (for ages 4+)
Suitable for Preschool 2, Nursery 2 and ages 4+ Learners would trace an image then colour using a guide as provided. Facts on all images Non-bias Feedback on activity.
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My Colouring Adventure: Prompted Drawing (For ages 5+)
Suitable for Preschool 3, Nursery 3 and ages 5+ Learners would trace an image then colour using a guide as provided. Facts on all images Non-bias Feedback on activity.
Beginners' General Studies
General Studies Book...which is a combination of Social stuides, Basic Science, Information Technology, Health science and Practical Life Activities. This book is suitable for 2 year olds (Creche/Playgroup/Preparatory Class)
Basic General Studies: Preschool 1
General Studies Book...which is a combination of Social stuides, Basic Science, Information Technology, Health science and Practical Life Activities. This book is suitable for 3 year olds (Kindergarten/Nursery/Preschool 1)
Basic General Studies: Preschool 2
General Studies Book...which is a combination of Social stuides, Basic Science, Information Technology, Health science and Practical Life Activities. This book is suitable for 4 year olds (Kindergarten/Nursery/Preschool 2)
Basic General Studies: Preschool 3
General Studies Book...which is a combination of Social stuides, Basic Science, Information Technology, Health science and Practical Life Activities. This book is suitable for 5 year olds (Kindergarten/Nursery/Preschool 3)
20 Leaves Exercise Book
Ruled lines for writing ... Waterproof exercise book with name tag
40 Leaves Exercise Book
Ruled lines for writing ... Waterproof exercise book with name tag
60 Leaves Exercise Book
Ruled lines for writing ... Waterproof exercise book with name tag
80 Leaves Exercise Book
Ruled lines for writing ... Waterproof exercise book with name tag